Services: Medical Contract Review
As a medical contract lawyer, a large portion of my law practice includes physician employment contract review and independent contractor agreement review for medical providers. Most of the more than 750 reviews I have performed in the past 20+ years involve emergency medicine. I have also reviewed and negotiated agreements for medical professionals in many other specialties including family practice, occupational medicine, internal medicine, pediatrics, anesthesiology, dermatology, urology, dentistry, general surgery, plastic surgery, otolaryngology, psychiatry, and other specialties.
I have an advantage over other health law firm and physician contract lawyer reviews because in addition to my legal experience, I have worked in the healthcare industry as an emergency physician for more than 20 years. As a practicing physician, I know the potential issues that medical professionals face when working for hospitals and groups. As an experienced healthcare attorney, I know what contract terms should and should not be included in physician employment contracts – whether for large organizations, community hospital contracts, or private practices. I have had extensive experience in the physician contract review process, so I can also help medical professionals prioritize multiple job offers received during similar times to help them determine which is the most favorable contract for their career goals.
Check out some of the articles I have written on contract matters on the Medical Contracts page of this site. Some of the topics covered include why you shouldn’t sign an indemnification agreement, how certain terms can make it easy for hospitals and staffing companies to terminate your position, steps you can take to mitigate the effects of a sudden job loss (losing a job as a physician is a lot different than losing a job in other professions), restrictive covenants, how your legal rights may be affected as an independent contractor, how to interpret a Certificate of Insurance and a Letter of Intent, and dangerous employment contract language to avoid.
Other articles I have written include this information paper for the American College of Emergency Physicians, this article for ACEP Now, and this article in EP Monthly. I also lectured frequently on medical contract issues for the Illinois College of Emergency Physicians’ Resident Career Day.
I charge a flat fee for reviewing contracts up to 20 pages in length. There are no other hidden costs. Only substantive pages are included within that limit, so signature pages or pages with only a few sentences of writing don’t count toward the 20 page total. There is an additional flat fee for each additional 5 substantive contract pages. My physician contract review process includes the following services:
Most healthcare providers just want the terms of their contracts explained. However, I can also revise and negotiate contracts with potential physician employers to make the agreements more equitable for my clients.
In some cases, physicians need help addressing issues after they have signed an agreement. I can also help medical professionals mitigate issues such as:
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